Rails: Easily add autocomplete to forms
Intro Since resources in my rails app can easily reach several thousand and million entries, I wanted a way to easily select one in a form. A quick google search led me to this excellent post by releu: http://gistflow.com/posts/428-autocomplete-with-rails-and-select2 While it…
Ubuntu: switch between windows of the same application
The problem If you are on Ubuntu with Unity, pressing Alt+Tab toggles between applications only normally. So if you have more than one browser or terminal window open it’s somewhat more difficult to switch between those as compared to good…
Using Bootstrap 3 and Simple Form in Rails 4, Upgrading from Bootstrap 2 to 3
Bootstrap 3 was released not so long ago. As I always like to be up-to-date with software to use the newest features I had to use it in my current Rails 4 project. When I started the Rails 4 app…
Rails 4: ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner, towards better documentation
The official documentation for the class can be found at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/BacktraceCleaner.html. The problem However, trying to implement the proposed example code throws an error. Hmpfh. The problem here is the line “String”.gsub expects a pattern as shown at http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/String.html#method-i-gsub. Rails.root, however, returns…
The missing MarkDown Windows Editor
I like taking notes in a simple format and MarkDown seems to be the language of choice for that. I also like it since it is simple to use. But I can’t find a MD Editor which really fulfills all…
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