Using Bootstrap 3 and Simple Form in Rails 4, Upgrading from Bootstrap 2 to 3
Bootstrap 3 was released not so long ago. As I always like to be up-to-date with software to use the newest features I had to use it in my current Rails 4 project.
When I started the Rails 4 app I used some tutorial(s) from the internet to integrate bootstrap. They proposed to use Simple Form as well and so I did. I didn’t realize until a few days ago that I was using the old Bootstrap 2. So this is what I had to do to upgrade to Bootstrap 3:
Note, that I am using SASS and HAML.
Luckily, the official bootstrap-sass
gem already integrated support for Bootstrap 3, it is not yet released to rubygems, hoever. So the github path needs to be added:
gem 'bootstrap-sass', github: 'thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass' # you should have this line already, of course your required version might differ. I believe it has to be > 3.2 though to work. gem 'sass-rails', '>= 3.2.3'
The new Glyphicons have to be added and bootstrap-responsive
is not needed anymore.
# my bootstrap_and_overrides.css.scss @import "bootstrap"; @import "bootstrap/glyphicons"; body { padding-top: 60px; }
Now, in Bootstrap 3 a few css classes changed their name. I will try to list the ones I was affected by:
/* button sizes were renamed */ .btn-small -> .btn-sm /* the default button class does not have any style now, instead the btn-default class has to be added */ .btn -> .btn.btn-default /* form stuff, which is shown in the next section */ /* a lot of the containers... */
Also, the icons changed. Alot. So I won’t bother listing that here but have a look at the documentation.
Simple Form
Unfortunately, the official repo does not yet support Bootstrap 3 yet, but it is quite easy to make it somehow work (for my limiting use). All that is needed is changes to the simple form initializer:
# config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb changes # change the class name - config.wrappers :bootstrap, :tag => 'div', :class => 'control-group', :error_class => 'error' do |b| + config.wrappers :bootstrap, :tag => 'div', :class => 'form-group', :error_class => 'error' do |b| # remove the wrapper around the control - b.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'controls' do |ba| - ba.use :input - ba.use :error, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-inline' } - ba.use :hint, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'p', :class => 'help-block' } - end + b.use :input + b.use :error, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-inline' } + b.use :hint, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'p', :class => 'help-block' } # add the new class name for controls + config.input_class = "form-control"
# config/initializers/simple_form_bootstrap.rb full # Use this setup block to configure all options available in SimpleForm. SimpleForm.setup do |config| config.wrappers :bootstrap, :tag => 'div', :class => 'form-group', :error_class => 'error' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.use :label #b.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'controls' do |ba| b.use :input b.use :error, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-inline' } b.use :hint, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'p', :class => 'help-block' } #end end config.wrappers :prepend, :tag => 'div', :class => "control-group", :error_class => 'error' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.use :label b.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'controls' do |input| input.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'input-prepend' do |prepend| prepend.use :input end input.use :hint, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-block' } input.use :error, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-inline' } end end config.wrappers :append, :tag => 'div', :class => "control-group", :error_class => 'error' do |b| b.use :html5 b.use :placeholder b.use :label b.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'controls' do |input| input.wrapper :tag => 'div', :class => 'input-append' do |append| append.use :input end input.use :hint, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-block' } input.use :error, :wrap_with => { :tag => 'span', :class => 'help-inline' } end end # Wrappers for forms and inputs using the Twitter Bootstrap toolkit. # Check the Bootstrap docs ( # to learn about the different styles for forms and inputs, # buttons and other elements. config.default_wrapper = :bootstrap config.input_class = "form-control" end
For the record, this is what my layout looks like
/ application.html.haml !!! %html %head %meta{:charset => "utf-8"} %meta{:name => "viewport", :content => "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"} %title= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) : "AppTitle" %meta{:content => "", :name => "description"} %meta{:content => "", :name => "author"} = stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" = javascript_include_tag "application" = csrf_meta_tags = yield(:head) %body %header.navbar.navbar-inverse.navbar-fixed-top %nav.container = render 'layouts/navigation' #main{:role => "main"} .container .content .row .span12 = render 'layouts/messages' = yield %footer
/ _navigation.html.haml .navbar-header %button.navbar-toggle{type: "button", 'data-toggle' => "collapse", 'data-target' => ".navbar-collapse"} %span.icon-bar %span.icon-bar %span.icon-bar = link_to "AppTitle", root_path, :class => 'navbar-brand' .navbar-collapse.collapse %ul.nav.navbar-nav %li = link_to "Home", root_path / etc
I won’t print my _messages.html.haml here because I have done big changes to that stuff and would probably only confuse some people. Also, there wasn’t any changes. If you are still curious have a look at my GitHub-Project.